Dos últims dies amb ortodòncia després de 4 anys. Per a donar-li un poc d'alegria ara porte les gones de colors, i tant de bo les haguera dut des del principi!
Quines ganes de menjar una poma ben agust :)
Dos últimos días sin ortodoncia después de 4 años. Para darle un poco de alegría ahora llevo las gomas de colores, ¡y ojalá las hubiera llevado desde el principio!
Qué ganas de comer una manzana tan agustito :)
Las two days with my orthodontic after four years. I'm now wearing different colour elastics to cheer the whole thing, and I wish I'd done it from the beginning!
I'm dying to eat an apple and actually enjoy it :)
very festive! I never had braces but when I was a kid I wanted them, for fun I guess. I'm sure when all is said and done, your teeth will look beautiful! they better after 4 years, yes? i salute you.
ResponEliminaSonríe con dientes!
ResponEliminaMola la foto llena de colorines!
aw, well done, you!
ResponEliminayou'll have a mouth to show for!!
that will be such a great feeling i am sure...when i lost my tongue piercing i walked around amazed from the sensation of my 'naked' tongue in the mouth.
i like the colors, and i always thought the braces are really charming!